Languages: French (official), Sangho (lingua franca and national language), tribal languages
Religions: Indigenous beliefs 35%, Protestant 25%, Roman Catholic 25%, Muslim 15%
Population: 5,391,539
GDP - per capita (PPP): $600 (2014 est.)
Population: 5,391,539
GDP - per capita (PPP): $600 (2014 est.)
The former French colony of Ubangi-Shari became the Central African Republic upon independence in 1960. After three tumultuous decades of misrule - mostly by military governments - civilian rule was established in 1993 but lasted only a decade. In March, 2003 President Ange-Felix PATASSE was deposed in a military coup led by General Francois BOZIZE, who established a transitional government.
Subsistence agriculture, together with
forestry and mining, remains the backbone of the economy of the Central
African Republic (CAR), with about 60% of the population living in
outlying areas. The agricultural sector generates more than half of GDP.
Timber and diamonds account for most export earnings, followed by
cotton. Important constraints to economic development include the CAR's
landlocked position, a poor transportation system, a largely unskilled
work force, and a legacy of misdirected macroeconomic policies.
Factional fighting between the government and its opponents remains a
drag on economic revitalization. Since 2009 the IMF has worked closely
with the government to institute reforms that have resulted in some
improvement in budget transparency, but other problems remain. The
government's additional spending in the run-up to the election in 2011
worsened CAR's fiscal situation. Distribution of income is
extraordinarily unequal. Grants from France and the international
community can only partially meet humanitarian needs. In 2012, the World
Bank approved $125 million in funding for transport infrastructure and
regional trade, focused on the route between CAR's capital and the port
of Douala in Cameroon. After a two-year lag in donor support, the IMF's
first review of CAR's extended credit facility for 2012-15 praised
improvements in revenue collection but warned of weak management of
02. Somalia
Languages: Somali (official), Arabic (official, according to the Transitional Federal Charter), Italian, English
Religions: Sunni Muslim (Islam) (official, according to the Transitional Federal Charter)
Population: 10,616,380
GDP - per capita (PPP):
$600 (2010 est.)
Languages: French (official), Lingala (a lingua franca trade language), Kingwana (a dialect of Kiswahili or Swahili), Kikongo, Tshiluba
Religions: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 20%, Kimbanguist 10%, Muslim 10%, other (includes syncretic sects and indigenous beliefs) 10%
GDP - per capita (PPP):

Britain withdrew from British Somaliland in 1960 to allow its
protectorate to join with Italian Somaliland and form the new nation of
Somalia. In 1969, a coup headed by Mohamed SIAD Barre ushered in an
authoritarian socialist rule characterized by the persecution, jailing,
and torture of political opponents and dissidents. After the regime's
collapse early in 1991, Somalia descended into turmoil, factional
fighting, and anarchy. In May 1991, northern clans declared an
independent Republic of Somaliland that now includes the administrative
regions of Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag, and Sool. Although
not recognized by any government, this entity has maintained a stable
existence and continues efforts to establish a constitutional democracy,
including holding municipal, parliamentary, and presidential elections.
Despite the lack of effective national governance, Somalia maintains an
informal economy largely based on livestock, remittance/money transfer
companies, and telecommunications. Agriculture is the most important
sector with livestock normally accounting for about 40% of GDP and more
than 50% of export earnings. Nomads and semi-pastoralists, who are
dependent upon livestock for their livelihood, make up a large portion
of the population. Livestock, hides, fish, charcoal, and bananas are
Somalia's principal exports, while sugar, sorghum, corn, qat, and
machined goods are the principal imports.
04. Democratic Republic Of Congo
Languages: French (official), Lingala (a lingua franca trade language), Kingwana (a dialect of Kiswahili or Swahili), Kikongo, Tshiluba
Religions: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 20%, Kimbanguist 10%, Muslim 10%, other (includes syncretic sects and indigenous beliefs) 10%
Population: 79,375,136
Population: 10,742,276
GDP - per capita (PPP): $900 (2014 est.)
Burundi's first democratically elected president was assassinated in October 1993 after only 100 days in office, triggering widespread ethnic violence between Hutu and Tutsi factions. More than 200,000 Burundians perished during the conflict that spanned almost a dozen years. Hundreds of thousands of Burundians were internally displaced or became refugees in neighboring countries. An internationally brokered power-sharing agreement between the Tutsi-dominated government and the Hutu rebels in 2003 paved the way for a transition process that integrated defense forces, and established a new constitution and elected a majority Hutu government in 2005. The government of President Pierre NKURUNZIZA, who was reelected in 2010 and again in a disputed election in 2015, continues to face many political and economic challenges.
Burundi is a landlocked, resource-poor country with an underdeveloped manufacturing sector. The economy is predominantly agricultural; agriculture accounts for just over 40% of GDP and employs more than 90% of the population. Burundi's primary exports are coffee and tea, which account for 90% of foreign exchange earnings, though exports are a relatively small share of GDP. Therefore, Burundi's export earnings - and its ability to pay for imports - rests primarily on weather conditions and international coffee and tea prices. An ethnic-based war that lasted until 2005 resulted in more than 200,000 deaths, forced more than 48,000 refugees into Tanzania, and displaced 140,000 others internally.
06. Malawi
Languages: English (official), Chichewa (common), Chinyanja, Chiyao, Chitumbuka, Chilomwe, Chinkhonde, Chingoni, Chisena, Chitonga, Chinyakyusa, Chilambya
Landlocked Malawi ranks among the world's most densely populated and least developed countries. The country’s economic performance has historically been constrained by policy inconsistency, macroeconomic instability, limited connectivity to the region and the world, and poor health and education outcomes that limit labor productivity. The economy is predominately agricultural with about 80% of the population living in rural areas. Agriculture accounts for about one-third of GDP and 90% of export revenues. The performance of the tobacco sector is key to short-term growth as tobacco accounts for more than half of exports.
07. Niger
Languages: French (official), Hausa, Djerma
GDP - per capita (PPP): $700 (2014 est.)
Established as an official Belgian colony in 1908, the then-Republic of
the Congo gained its independence in 1960, but its early years were
marred by political and social instability. Col. Joseph MOBUTU seized
power and declared himself president in a November 1965 coup. He
subsequently changed his name - to MOBUTU Sese Seko - as well as that of
the country - to Zaire. MOBUTU retained his position for 32 years
through several sham elections, as well as through brutal force. Ethnic
strife and civil war, touched off by a massive inflow of refugees in
1994 from fighting in Rwanda and Burundi, led in May 1997 to the
toppling of the MOBUTU regime by a rebellion backed by Rwanda and Uganda
and fronted by Laurent KABILA.
The economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - a nation endowed
with vast natural resource wealth - is slowly recovering after decades
of decline. Systemic corruption since independence in 1960, combined
with countrywide instability and conflict that began in the mid-90s has
dramatically reduced national output and government revenue and
increased external debt. With the installation of a transitional
government in 2003 after peace accords, economic conditions slowly began
to improve as the transitional government reopened relations with
international financial institutions and international donors, and
President KABILA began implementing reforms.
05. Liberia
Languages: English 20% (official), some 20 ethnic group languages few of which can be written or used in correspondence
Languages: English 20% (official), some 20 ethnic group languages few of which can be written or used in correspondence
Religions: Christian 85.6%, Muslim 12.2%, Traditional 0.6%, other 0.2%, none 1.4% (2008 Census)
Population: 4,195,666 (July 2015 est.)
Liberia is a low income country that relies heavily on foreign
assistance. It is richly endowed with water, mineral resources, forests,
and a climate favorable to agriculture. Its principal exports are iron
ore, rubber, gold and timber. The Government has attempted to revive raw
timber extraction and is encouraging oil exploration. In the 1990s and
early 2000s, civil war and government mismanagement destroyed much of
Liberia's economy, especially infrastructure in and around the capital.
With the conclusion of fighting and the installation of a democratically
elected government in 2006, businesses that had fled the country began
to return.
6. Burundi
Languages: Kirundi 29.7% (official), Kirundi and other language 9.1%, French (official) and French and other language 0.3%, Swahili and Swahili and other language 0.2% (along Lake Tanganyika and in the Bujumbura area), English and English and other language 0.06%, more than 2 languages 3.7%, unspecified 56.9% (2008 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP): $900 (2014 est.)
Settlement of freed slaves from the US in what is today Liberia began in
1822; by 1847, the Americo-Liberians were able to establish a republic.
William TUBMAN, president from 1944-71, did much to promote foreign
investment and to bridge the economic, social, and political gaps
between the descendants of the original settlers and the inhabitants of
the interior. In 1980, a military coup led by Samuel DOE ushered in a
decade of authoritarian rule. In December 1989, Charles TAYLOR launched a
rebellion against DOE's regime that led to a prolonged civil war in
which DOE was killed.
6. Burundi
Languages: Kirundi 29.7% (official), Kirundi and other language 9.1%, French (official) and French and other language 0.3%, Swahili and Swahili and other language 0.2% (along Lake Tanganyika and in the Bujumbura area), English and English and other language 0.06%, more than 2 languages 3.7%, unspecified 56.9% (2008 est.)
Religions: Catholic 62.1%, Protestant 23.9% (includes
Adventist 2.3% and other Protestant 21.6%), Muslim 2.5%, other 3.6%,
unspecified 7.9% (2008 est.)
Population: 10,742,276
GDP - per capita (PPP): $900 (2014 est.)
Burundi's first democratically elected president was assassinated in October 1993 after only 100 days in office, triggering widespread ethnic violence between Hutu and Tutsi factions. More than 200,000 Burundians perished during the conflict that spanned almost a dozen years. Hundreds of thousands of Burundians were internally displaced or became refugees in neighboring countries. An internationally brokered power-sharing agreement between the Tutsi-dominated government and the Hutu rebels in 2003 paved the way for a transition process that integrated defense forces, and established a new constitution and elected a majority Hutu government in 2005. The government of President Pierre NKURUNZIZA, who was reelected in 2010 and again in a disputed election in 2015, continues to face many political and economic challenges.
Burundi is a landlocked, resource-poor country with an underdeveloped manufacturing sector. The economy is predominantly agricultural; agriculture accounts for just over 40% of GDP and employs more than 90% of the population. Burundi's primary exports are coffee and tea, which account for 90% of foreign exchange earnings, though exports are a relatively small share of GDP. Therefore, Burundi's export earnings - and its ability to pay for imports - rests primarily on weather conditions and international coffee and tea prices. An ethnic-based war that lasted until 2005 resulted in more than 200,000 deaths, forced more than 48,000 refugees into Tanzania, and displaced 140,000 others internally.
06. Malawi
Languages: English (official), Chichewa (common), Chinyanja, Chiyao, Chitumbuka, Chilomwe, Chinkhonde, Chingoni, Chisena, Chitonga, Chinyakyusa, Chilambya
Religions: Christian 82.6%, Muslim 13%, other 1.9%, none 2.5% (2008 est.)
Established in 1891, the British protectorate of Nyasaland became the
independent nation of Malawi in 1964. After three decades of one-party
rule under President Hastings Kamuzu BANDA, the country held multiparty
presidential and parliamentary elections in 1994, under a provisional
constitution that came into full effect the following year. President
Bingu wa MUTHARIKA, elected in May 2004 after a failed attempt by the
previous president to amend the constitution to permit another term,
struggled to assert his authority against his predecessor and
subsequently started his own party, the Democratic Progressive Party in
2005. MUTHARIKA was reelected to a second term in May 2009.
Population: 17,964,697
GDP - per capita (PPP): $1,100 (2014 est.)
Landlocked Malawi ranks among the world's most densely populated and least developed countries. The country’s economic performance has historically been constrained by policy inconsistency, macroeconomic instability, limited connectivity to the region and the world, and poor health and education outcomes that limit labor productivity. The economy is predominately agricultural with about 80% of the population living in rural areas. Agriculture accounts for about one-third of GDP and 90% of export revenues. The performance of the tobacco sector is key to short-term growth as tobacco accounts for more than half of exports.
07. Niger
Languages: French (official), Hausa, Djerma
Religions: Muslim 80%, other (includes indigenous beliefs and Christian) 20%
Population: 18,045,729 (July 2015 est.)
Languages: Emakhuwa 25.3%, Portuguese (official) 10.7%, Xichangana 10.3%, Cisena 7.5%, Elomwe
7%, Echuwabo 5.1%, other Mozambican languages 30.1%, other 4% (1997 census)
Languages: Tigrinya (official), Arabic (official), English (official), Tigre, Kunama, Afar, other Cushitic languages
10. Guinea
GDP - per capita (PPP): $1,100 (2014 est.)
Niger became independent from France in 1960 and experienced
single-party and military rule until 1991, when Gen. Ali SAIBOU was
forced by public pressure to allow multiparty elections, which resulted
in a democratic government in 1993. Political infighting brought the
government to a standstill and in 1996 led to a coup by Col. Ibrahim
BARE. In 1999, BARE was killed in a counter coup by military officers
who restored democratic rule and held elections that brought Mamadou
TANDJA to power in December of that year. TANDJA was reelected in 2004
and in 2009 spearheaded a constitutional amendment allowing him to
extend his term as president. In February 2010, military officers led a
coup that deposed TANDJA and suspended the constitution.
Niger's economy centers on
subsistence crops, livestock, and some of the world's largest uranium
deposits. Agriculture contributes nearly 40% of GDP and provides
livelihood for most of the population. The UN ranked Niger as the least
developed country in the world in 2014 due to multiple factors such as
food insecurity, lack of industry, high population growth, a weak
educational sector, and few prospects for work outside of subsistence
farming and herding. Since 2011 public debt has increased in part from a
large loan financing a new uranium mine. The government relies on
foreign donor resources for a large portion of its fiscal budget.
08. Mozambique
Languages: Emakhuwa 25.3%, Portuguese (official) 10.7%, Xichangana 10.3%, Cisena 7.5%, Elomwe
7%, Echuwabo 5.1%, other Mozambican languages 30.1%, other 4% (1997 census)
Religions: Roman Catholic 28.4%, Muslim 17.9%, Zionist
Christian 15.5%, Protestant 12.2% (includes Pentecostal 10.9% and
Anglican 1.3%), other 6.7%, none 18.7%, unspecified 0.7% (2007 est.)
Population: 25,303,113
GDP - per capita (PPP): $1,200 (2014 est.)
Almost five centuries as a Portuguese colony came to a close with
independence in 1975. Large-scale emigration, economic dependence on
South Africa, a severe drought, and a prolonged civil war hindered the
country's development until the mid-1990s. The ruling Front for the
Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) party formally abandoned Marxism in
1989, and a new constitution the following year provided for multiparty
elections and a free market economy. A UN-negotiated peace agreement
between FRELIMO and rebel Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO) forces
ended the fighting in 1992.
At independence in 1975, Mozambique was one of the world's poorest
countries. Socialist mismanagement and a brutal civil war from 1977-92
exacerbated the situation. In 1987, the government embarked on a series
of macroeconomic reforms designed to stabilize the economy. These steps,
combined with donor assistance and with political stability since the
multi-party elections in 1994, propelled the country’s GDP from $4
billion in 1993, following the war, to about $30.9 billion in 2014.
Fiscal reforms, including the introduction of a value-added tax and
reform of the customs service, have improved the government's revenue
collection abilities. In spite of these gains, more than half the
population remains below the poverty line. Subsistence agriculture
continues to employ the vast majority of the country's work force.
09. Eritrea
Languages: Tigrinya (official), Arabic (official), English (official), Tigre, Kunama, Afar, other Cushitic languages
Religions: Muslim, Coptic Christian, Roman Catholic, Protestant
Population: 6,527,689 (July 2015 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP): $1,200 (2014 est.)
After independence from Italian colonial control in 1941 and 10 years of
British administrative control, the UN established Eritrea as an
autonomous region within the Ethiopian federation in 1952. Ethiopia's
full annexation of Eritrea as a province 10 years later sparked a
violent 30-year struggle for independence that ended in 1991 with
Eritrean rebels defeating government forces. Eritreans overwhelmingly
approved independence in a 1993 referendum. ISAIAS Afworki has been
Eritrea's only president since independence; his rule, particularly
since 2001, has been highly autocratic and repressive. His government
has created a highly militarized society by pursuing an unpopular
program of mandatory conscription into national service, sometimes of
indefinite length. A two-and-a-half-year border war with Ethiopia that
erupted in 1998 ended under UN auspices in December 2000.
Since formal independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Eritrea has faced many
economic problems, including lack of resources and chronic drought,
which have been exacerbated by restrictive economic policies. Eritrea
has a command economy under the control of the sole political party, the
People's Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ). Like the economies of
many African nations, a large share of the population - nearly 80% - is
engaged in subsistence agriculture, but the sector only produces a small
share of the country's total output. Since the conclusion of the
Ethiopian-Eritrea war in 2000, the government has expanded use of
military and party-owned businesses to complete President ISAIAS's
development agenda. The government has strictly controlled the use of
foreign currency by limiting access and availability; new regulations in
2013 aimed at relaxing currency controls have had little economic
10. Guinea
Languages: French (official)
Religions: Muslim 86.7%, Christian 8.9%, animist/other/none 7.8% (2012 est.)
Population: 11,780,162 (July 2015 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP): $1,300 (2014 est.)
Guinea is at a turning point after decades of authoritarian rule since
gaining its independence from France in 1958. Guinea held its first free
and competitive democratic presidential and legislative elections in
2010 and 2013 respectively, and in October 2015 held a second
consecutive presidential election. Alpha CONDE was reelected to a second
five-year term as president in 2015, and the National Assembly was
seated in January 2014. CONDE's first cabinet is the first all-civilian
government in Guinea. Previously, Sekou TOURE ruled the country as
president from independence to his death in 1984. Lansana CONTE came to
power in 1984 when the military seized the government after TOURE's
Guinea is a poor country of approximately 11.7 million people that
possesses the world's largest reserves of bauxite and world’s largest
untapped high-grade iron ore reserves (Simandou), as well as gold and
diamonds. In addition, Guinea has fertile soil, ample rainfall, and is
the source of several West African rivers, including the Senegal, Niger,
and Gambia. Guinea's hydro potential is enormous and the country could
be a major exporter of electricity. The country also has tremendous
agriculture potential. Gold, bauxite, and diamonds are Guinea’s main
mineral exports. Following the death of long-term President Lansana
CONTE in 2008 and the coup that followed, international donors,
including the G-8, the IMF, and the World Bank, significantly curtailed
their development programs in Guinea.
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